Preventing Drainage Problems With The Right Maintenance

Preventing Drainage Problems With The Right Maintenance

April 2, 2023 0 By admin

Drainage problems are a common issue for many homeowners. They can cause expensive water damage and lead to structural problems for your home if not dealt with quickly.

drainage solutions St Louis, MO, can help you avoid drainage problems in the future. Learn how to protect your yard and home from these costly issues.

Check Your Soil

Almost all plants require well-drained soil. If your soil doesn’t meet these requirements, your plants may experience problems such as wilting, yellowing leaves, mold and mildew formation, and even plant death.

You can check your soil for drainage by performing a simple percolation test. Dig a hole about 12 inches wide and at least 12 to 18 inches deep, and measure the water depth every hour for two or three hours.

If the water level in your hole drops an inch or less each hour, your soil is well-drained. If it drops more than that, your soil is poorly drained.

Soil that drains too fast is sandy, and it should be amended with compost or other organic matter to improve its moisture retention ability. Soil that drains too slowly is likely heavy clay or silt.

Install French Drains

French drains are a great way to redirect water away from your property and keep it out of your foundation. They also protect against erosion caused by heavy rains or thawing snowmelt.

They funnel surface water runoff into a perforated pipe buried in a trench and surrounded by gravel. The pipe carries the water to a low spot on your property, a drainage ditch, or the street sewer.

You can install a French drain or hire a professional to complete the job. You’ll need to determine the best place for the pipe to end and how sloped it needs to be.

Adding a French drain to your yard can help protect your foundation and prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your basement. It can also improve the air quality and reduce your health risks by reducing excess moisture in your home. It’s an excellent investment that will pay off for years to come.

Install Drain Screens

Drain screens are easy to install and provide extra protection for your drains. They fit over drain openings to prevent food, hair, soap scum, and other gunk from entering your drain.

The drain screen also helps to keep water from clogging your pipes by preventing it from entering the plumbing system in the first place. This is particularly important for tub and shower drains.

Another way to help prevent drain clogs is to ensure you don’t pour any solid building materials down your drains. Things like setting compound, grout, mortar mix, and concrete can all clog up your drains quickly by settling down in your traps and pipes and hardening into rock-hard clogs.

These clogs are difficult to remove and can even cause serious damage to your plumbing system. That’s why it’s so important to take proactive maintenance steps to prevent drain problems from happening in the first place. 

Call a Professional

If you’re experiencing a drainage problem, call a professional to help determine the source of the issue. A professional plumber can identify problems quickly and clear them before they become more serious.

Drainage issues can cause a lot of damage to your home. For example, a slow drain can lead to mold, mildew growth, or bad odors that spread through your home.

A clogged drain can also cause your pipes to back up, causing damage to your plumbing and walls. A sewage backflow can also cause your pipes to break, which is an even more serious problem.

Following the right maintenance guidelines is the best way to prevent drainage problems. This includes cleaning your floor drains regularly and hiring a professional to clean the pipes and rooters in your home when needed.