Options for Treating Different Kinds of Pain

Options for Treating Different Kinds of Pain

May 25, 2023 0 By admin

Pain is an unpleasant feeling that can occur anywhere in the body. It can persist for a few minutes to several months and range from moderate to severe. Treatment is designed to ease the pain while keeping you safe and improving your quality of life. It includes over-the-counter and prescription medicines, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is one of several therapies that may be used for pain management Jacksonville FL. It is a secure method that enhances performance while reducing discomfort. During your first session, a therapist will ask questions about your pain and other symptoms. They will also perform a physical examination. The PT will identify areas of weakness and help you target those muscles to strengthen them. It is beneficial for post-surgical patients. They can teach you specific exercises to strengthen these muscle groups and reduce pain, helping you to heal faster. In addition to strengthening, a PT may offer other treatment methods such as massage, ultrasound, electrical stimulation (e-stim), dry needling, and cold laser therapy. Physical therapy aims to help you return to doing what you enjoy. But it’s essential to have patience and recognize that this process might occasionally be unsettling.


Medications treat pain caused by injury, disease, or surgery. They can be taken orally (taken with a pill) or applied to the skin. Some medications relieve pain by stopping chemicals called prostaglandins from causing inflammation and swelling. Others reduce the volume of pain messages sent from your nerves to your brain. Opioids, lab-made narcotic pain medicines like morphine and oxycodone, change how your brain receives pain messages. Healthcare providers prescribe opioids to treat severe pain following surgery or a traumatic injury. These medicines can be addictive, causing severe side effects. They can also make you tired, cause breathing problems and lead to constipation or other gastrointestinal problems. It is best to take these medicines for the shortest time possible. Check the list of side effects in the Consumer Medicine Information leaflet for each medication you take.


Your doctor can suggest psychiatric therapy to help you manage chronic pain. Psychologists are specialists in this field and may collaborate with you to evaluate and treat your pain’s social, cognitive, and emotional components. Psychology may be helpful when combined with other pain treatment methods, such as physical therapy and medication. Psychologists help patients address issues like depression and anxiety that can exacerbate pain and teach new coping skills to manage the day-to-day effects of their pain.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which instructs clients on how to alter their attitudes and beliefs about pain, is another way to treat psychological pain. For example, therapists might help patients restructure their negative thought patterns, such as “I am going to die” or “I am weak and helpless.” Other forms of psychological pain treatment include biofeedback, which involves monitoring your body’s responses to stress and pain, then teaching you how to control these reactions. These therapies are also helpful because they can reduce the high levels of stress that often worsen pain.

Lifestyle Changes

Often, lifestyle changes can help you reduce or taper off your pain medication. They can help you feel better, improve your overall health, and make you more active. A healthy diet can also help relieve chronic pain. Choosing foods rich in nutrients and avoiding those that cause inflammation, such as processed foods and high-fat dairy products, can decrease your symptoms. Another critical change is getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep can increase fatigue and irritation, increasing your perception of pain. Drink water during the day and ensure you have a decent night’s rest. It will keep your organs functioning smoothly and promote healthy digestion, among other benefits.